Thursday, February 22, 2018

Axis Bank Foundation: The Story of #AMillionThanks (Ad 2018)

~ Kolla Krishna Madhavi

Every family photo has a story and so does Appu's!

Axis Bank Foundation
Image Courtesy: YouTube
Axis Bank's Foundation (ABF) has been endeavoring to provide a livelihood to a million people across India.

Over the last decade, the Axis Bank Foundation has been trying to unite disrupted homes like Appu's where the father has left his family in the village and migrated to the city to earn a living. The beneficiaries of these initiatives are able to find alternate means of livelihood within the village itself and reunite with their families.

The story starts off with Appu, a young girl, joyously visiting a village fair. She religiously visits the fair each year, but what was different this time is that she is able to click a photo with both her parents. Appu's family is now complete as her father has returned home. 
 Axis Bank Foundation
Image Courtesy: Twitter

Some families are unable to survive in the villages due to shrinking returns from their agriculture-based income and are forced to leave their homes to earn a living. Interventions by ABF across 21 states, 178 districts, and 10,000 villages have impacted 1 million livelihoods and helped stem a part of the exodus.

Axis Bank Foundation's "sustainable livelihood" theme is focused on increasing farm productivity, natural resource management and employability and entrepreneurship skills in impacted regions. This CSR outreach in some of the country's underprivileged and undeveloped areas has alleviated a few of those affected find both alternate and supplementary means of earning closer home. 

Entrepreneurship is not only about building the next Tech giant. It is also about being able to make those small but effective changes within your "circle of influence" (like these farmers) which help support your family as well as enable others around you earn a wage.

The story is not about the bank and its services. This story is about Appu and a Million Livelihoods!
                                                                                              The Story of #AMillionThanks
                                                                                       Video Courtesy: Axis Bank Foundation

Images Courtesy: Axis Bank Foundation, Google Images, and other online resources.
Video Courtesy: Axis Bank Foundation, YouTube & other online resources.


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