Thursday, January 11, 2018

Surf Excel Detergent Powder: Daag Acche Hain #HaarKoHarao (TVC 2017)

~ Kolla Krishna Madhavi

In a world where we shun dirt and stains and the entire focus is on achievement vs. learning, Surf Excel's continuing advertising campaigns celebrating stains based on their proposition that "Daag Acche Hain" stands out with not just the visual impact, but the valuable message it unfolds.
Surf Excel
Image Courtesy: Lowe Lintas
The recent Surf Excel Easy Wash ad shows a young boy, Ayush's team losing their 5th cricket match. The coach is highly disappointed and decides to resign from coaching. As he is walking away, we see Ayush rolling in the cricket ground and getting muddy in the process. When the coach comes to admonish him for spoiling the ground, Ayush tells the coach that it is because they had lost the match again. The coach tells him it is not the last match. The boy then questions the coach that if it is not the last match, then why is the latter quitting. They lost today, but could win on another day. The coach realizes his mistake and puts back his coach's cap. They decide to start training early morning from the next day. 
Surf Excel
Image Courtesy:
It is an extremely thought-provoking ad. Taking Surf Excel's decade-long campaign: "Dirt is Good, Surf Excel Hai Na" further to "Haar Ko Harao", the advertisement conveys not just the core purpose of the detergent powder, but strongly promotes the philosophy that if a child is getting dirty while defeating failure, then it is totally acceptable. 

The ad also showcases important life values of positivity, motivation, and sportsmanship among children. 

Leveraging on the innocence of children, the teams of HUL and Lowe Lintas are trying to use the "Engine of Dirt" to creatively inspire parents, teachers, and society at large to change their perspective on failure. This ad is a big departure from the challenges faced by today's parents and adults in general, who are highly achievement-oriented and conditioned to deal more negatively with lack of success, unlike children who tend to learn from their failures.

Haar Ko Harao!

Surf Excel Detergent Powder
Source: Surf Excel

Images Courtesy: HUL, Lowe Lintas, Google Images & other online resources.
Video Courtesy: YouTube, Surf Excel: Daag Achhe Hain - #HaarKoHarao

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None of the products or features discussed above are necessarily, as stated or endorsed by any of the respective companies.

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